Orion Windows Guide To Our uPVC Windows In Leeds

To many people a window is just a window, something which keeps out the cold and is useful to look through when you are admiring the outdoors. But what they do not realise is that there is a lot more to a window than that. Chosen correctly a window can enhance your energy efficient within the home, add an extra layer of security and generally make your home look more appealing from both the outside and inside. We at Orion Windows provide a wide range of windows and want to help you to choose the correct type for your property.


These types of uPVC windows in Leeds are internally glazed and come in a wide range of colours, more than provided by many other suppliers with finishes in white, light oak and rosewood available. It is hinged at the side of the window so that when opened you will get an enormous amount of ventilation, ideal for those warm days indoors.

Tilt & Turn

Our tilt and turn window is one of the best examples of double glazing in Leeds that you will find. The advantage of them is that they will tilt inwards so it means that you do not have to go through the hassle of climbing up a ladder to clean them as you can do it from the safety of the room in which they are installed.


The sash window is made up of moveable panels which will not only move up and down, but they can also be opened inwards. They are one of the most stylish looking windows you will find, with slim, elegant lines that can really strike a chord with people who spot them.

For more information about these or any of our other window designs, as well as conservatories in Leeds, contact us online and fill in the short form.


We invite you to join us at our showroom in York, to browse our many products in person and speak with our team of advisors and designers about your next home improvement project.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 01904 690881

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.

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