Keep Your Home Warm With Double Glazing

It has been established by several industry professionals that the leading cause of drafts and wasted energy in homes is old windows. While you might love your old traditional windows they could be costing you a small fortune. Without properly double glazed windows you are wasting energy and money on a daily basis.
If you are planning on purchasing double glazing in North Yorkshire, double glazing in Leeds or double glazing in Yorkshire here are some of the benefits you can expect from your new windows. Many people enthuse about the energy efficiency of double glazed windows and the money it can save you, but it is natural to wonder how this efficiency is achieved.
All windows are rated on a scale of energy efficiency, your windows can be given a rating ranging from A to G. G rated windows barely keep any heat while A rated windows mean you will be wasting as little energy as possible. Standard double glazing gives windows a C rating; this is more than enough to significantly reduce the heat loss through your windows and can save you money in the long term.
Modern double glazed windows are incorporated into a sealed unit. This means that the frame has been sealed to the extent that hardly any heat will escape your home. This energy efficiency is further improved by the addition of a modern composite polymer spacer bar instead of the traditional aluminium bar. The composite polymer conducts less heat than the aluminium alternative which means heat cannot escape through the frame of your new windows.
One of the other ways modern windows are made even more energy efficient is by replacing the gas used to fill the space in-between the glass panels. The inner cavity between panels is not a vacuum; it is usually filled with dry air. More recent windows are now starting to be filled with the gas Argon. This gas is a greater insulator than air and it increases the energy efficiency of your windows further.
Double glazed windows come in a wide variety of styles and colours so you can tailor your new windows to your home. Whether you own a traditional country home or a modern townhouse there are windows to suit every look. With a high quality set of double glazed windows you can have style and functionality without breaking the bank. With the average energy bill rising year on year there is no reason not to invest in new double glazed windows to help keep your home warm and save you money.


We invite you to join us at our showroom in York, to browse our many products in person and speak with our team of advisors and designers about your next home improvement project.


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