What Is Condensation And How Do You Stop It?

You can definitely tell that winter is on its way if when pulling your blinds or curtains open in the mornings you’re now greeted by the sight of condensation all over your windows. It’s a real annoyance, especially if it leaves your blinds or curtains soaking wet.

The worst thing you can do is do nothing about it as allowing condensation to repeatedly occur can cause mould and damp to become a serious issue. This could potentially have implications on everyone living in your house, putting occupants at risk of picking up debilitating ailments such as asthma.  

Having an awareness of how condensation emerges can help you tackle the problem and we can tell you that it comes about when there are contrasting temperatures internally and externally and insufficient ventilation.

It’s relatively simple to minimise the threat of condensation, or at least it is when you have a knowledgeable company like Orion telling you how to do it:

Dry your clothes outside

We’re eternal optimists at Orion and hopeful that we will experience an Indian summer. If our positivity proves to be validated, make the most of any warm weather we’ve got left this year and hang your wet clothing outside on the washing line, rather than throw it in your tumble dryer or put on the radiators, to prevent a build-up of moisture internally.

Keep a lid on things

Are you a bit of a culinary wizard? When preparing those family meals at home, keep the lids on any pans you’re using to cook vegetables to stop any moisture escaping. Turn on your extractor fan while cooking too to minimise moisture.

Buy a dehumidifier

Speaking of moisture, the role of a dehumidifier is to remove any moisture from the air in your home. It can also draw out any wetness from damp clothes if you have no other option but to dry your clothing indoors.

Avoid pushing furniture up against the walls

When coming up with a furniture arrangement, don’t push any sofas or chairs right up against any surrounding walls as it stops air being able to circulate properly, and again, causes moisture to accumulate. All you need to do is leave a small gap between any furniture and the walls.

More information about condensation can be found in a FREE document you can download from our Helpful Guides page.  


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